Mama Wilson

Homeschooling Wisdom & Parenting Advice Right Over the Fence

Meet Mama Wilson: Your Friendly Neighborhood Parenting & Homeschooling Expert

Hi-dee-ho, neighbor! I’m so glad you’re here! I’m the mom behind Mama Wilson, and if you’re feeling a little overwhelmed by the world of homeschooling, trust me—I’ve been there. Let me introduce myself and tell you a bit about how this blog came to be.

Before homeschooling became my full-time focus, I was a teacher for over eight years. I loved my students and the opportunity to help shape young minds, but over time, the broken education system took a toll on me. The endless constraints, pressures, and lack of flexibility left me drained. By the time I got home to my own kids, there wasn’t much left to give, and that broke my heart.

When COVID-19 hit, everything changed. My youngest son, Ahren, had just gone through open-heart surgery, and I couldn’t risk sending my other son, Ryan, to public school where he might bring home germs that could harm Ahren’s recovery. That was the moment I decided to take the leap into homeschooling, though it wasn’t exactly the plan I had in mind.

I dove in head-first, thinking I’d just adapt my classroom experience to home. But, as many of you know, homeschooling is not just like school at home. It’s a whole different way of learning, and the traditional methods I was used to just didn’t fit. I quickly realized that I needed a new approach and some serious patience—and that’s when I really learned what homeschooling is all about.

Now, I’m on a mission to help other parents through this unique journey. If you’re feeling like homeschooling might throw you over the edge (I certainly had those moments!), you’re not alone. Here at Mama Wilson, I share practical tips, resources, and a bit of wisdom from my experiences as both a teacher and a mom who had to reinvent everything she thought she knew about education.

Skeletal hand reaching triumphantly up from a pile of books and papers.

What You’ll Find on Mama Wilson

This blog is all about offering support, resources, and a friendly face to help guide you through your homeschooling journey. You’ll find articles on:

  • Homeschooling Basics: Tips to get started, organize your days, and keep your sanity intact.
  • Learning Resources: Activities, tools, and product recommendations (some of which may be affiliate links that support Mama Wilson) that can make learning more engaging and fun for your kids.
  • Practical Parenting Advice: From one parent to another, I’ll share ideas that have worked for us in navigating life at home with kids.

Thank you for stopping by, and welcome to the Mama Wilson family. Grab a cup of coffee, make yourself at home, and let’s tackle this homeschool adventure together. If you ever need advice or just a neighborly chat, I’m here. We’ve got this!

About this blog

A Quick Word About Affiliates

Hey, transparency is key here! Some of the links on this blog are affiliate links, which means if you click through and make a purchase, we might earn a small commission—at no extra cost to you! But it helps us pay the bills, and don’t worry; we only recommend products we genuinely love and think will make your parenting or homeschooling life easier (or at least a little less chaotic). It’s like a win-win—just like when Wilson dropped a life lesson and Tim actually listened.

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